About the Author
Jake Morrison is new to writing books, but he’s an old hand at creating stories. When he’s not deeply Involved in solving problems at work, he’s creating new ones for his D&D players to encounter. He began writing his first novel, PALLAS LOST, for NaNoWriMo more than five years before he mustered up the courage to put it out into the world. He lives in Florida with his wife, two dogs, two cats, and one shy snake.
The author & his dog Athena.
The Less Formal Bio
What to say? I’m a geek, through and through. A nerd. Dweeb. Basically, just pick your epithet for a dorky, socially awkward smartass. I’ve always felt like I was on the outside looking in. This naturally led me to mostly exist within my own head.
I created fantastical worlds where I could adventure and exist without the frustrations and heartaches of real life. Probably not the healthiest of coping habits, but it worked for me at the time. This strategy of make believe has been with me ever since.
This has helped me with my social life, surprisingly. I started playing D&D and Star Wars RPG, and found I was good at creating scenarios for people to play through. Rather quickly I found myself running as the permanent Dungeon Master.
At some point in 2012 I was introduced to NaNoWriMo through a friend. The prospect of actually writing down the machinations of my mind was a novel one to me. Pun intended. So during that first NaNo I wrote up a short zombie themed novel and decided it was terrible.
The next year I wanted to write something on the realm of one of my main loves, Science Fiction. It was 2013, and as a snapshot of my state of mind and style of planning I named my project “I don’t have a plan yet oh god oh god oh god”.
I failed that NaNo after scratching out five chapters. It took me a few years and two more NaNos to get the book out of me. Along the way I fleshed out the universe and figured out how the three books would go. I even “sketched out” short stories in the same universe.
Now after a decade of definitely unsteady work, the novel Pallas Lost is being published. I tried for a year to go the route of traditional publishing, and ultimately ended up deciding to self-publish.
Along the way I was helped my many friends and my now-wife. It’s a work that needed the help of many.
So that’s it, that’s how I got to where I am today.
Jake’s Favorite Books
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
So You Want To Be A Wizard by Diane Duane
Ender’s Game & Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card
The Name of the Wind & The Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss
Velocity Weapon by Megan E. O’Keefe
The Way of Kings & the entire Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson
The author & his wife.
Fun Facts about Jake
I used to perform & teach lightsaber choreography with several groups.
I was born in Keflavik, Iceland on the Naval Air Station.
I once ate tacos so hot I involuntarily cried.
I once ate a chicken sandwich so hot I involuntarily cried.
Look, I like spicy things & the body is going to do what it does when you politely poison it.
I debated for a long time whether to make this section with facts about me, or actual fun facts.
Each dog has a unique nose print.
I know a little about a lot, & a lot about some, & some about a little.
I once ran full speed into a mailbox & fell into a fire ant pile.
I make award-winning chocolate chip cookies.